He did not hesitate to write articles attacking political opportunists.
"When somebody wants to write an article attacking a scoring system or the influence of wine writers, who's right in the cross hairs?"
Even if Russia had a perfect human rights record and zero corruption you would get article after article attacking the country for this reason.
These new articles attacked Cranmer and listed his misdeeds back to 1541.
The article urged a pragmatic approach to economic theory and sharply attacked much previous economic research.
Nationwide News published an article attacking the integrity and independence of the Commission.
This journal published articles attacking conservative Chinese morality and promoting individualism.
Instead the article, obviously based on interviews with my critics, attacked what I had said or written about IQ in other places.
I swear sometimes these articles are attacking a made up position sometimes, who called Michelle Obama an angry black woman?
In his articles hard attacking the communism.