The speech and article challenged the idea that equity markets are efficient through a study of nine successful investment funds generating long-term returns above the market index.
I assume this is code for: i can't disagree with any of the facts presented but am upset that this article challenges my deep-seated prejudices.
Indeed they do, since the article challenges the credibility of her claims that Mr. Clinton harassed her in 1991.
Your article challenges the vaunted reputation of New York City residents as pet lovers.
Dr. Bloom said the article would challenge researchers to learn more about how exactly the stress of providing care raised the mortality risk.
This article challenges the conceptual and practical appropriateness of applying the notion of punishment to the probation context.
Harrison's article is sympathetic to feminism and never challenges its assumption that its goals are the goals of all women.
The article challenged the contemporary view of the Renaissance, arguing that women's power and agency declined during the early modern period.
An interesting article, with lots of fair points, but come on then Mark - if you are at sheffield why not speak to the commissioners, and challenge them?
The article also challenges assertions of military authorities that they have generally maintained the confidentiality of medical records.