Furthermore, they claimed, the articles constituted an extraterritorial claim to a part of a foreign nation and were therefore in violation of international law.
Together these two articles constituted a program of reform directed both at the government and the medical profession.
Individual articles may be rough on the candidate, but individual articles do not constitute coverage.
Two cents and a few articles of provisions and clothing constituted his wealth.
The first 92 articles constituted the general part of the Code, defining different terms, conditions, and penalties.
You are aware of the fact that these articles constitute the actual core of this Decree establishing Eurojust.
This article constitutes a huge stumbling block in terms of effective consumer protection.
This article constitutes a legal basis for the Commission to take possible initiatives to promote coordination between the Member States and the Community's policy.
The court of first instance decided that the article constituted a defamation of Catholics.
This article constitutes the only scientific publication on the site, although numerous general-interest articles were produced in both local and national print sources.