LEAD: Daniel Patrick Moynihan's article "Debunking the Myth of Decline" (June 19), reminds us, usefully, that the Federal budget and trade-balance deficits are, in large measure, the consequences of bad policy, which can be corrected.
There are photographs and articles about Cody's homes, articles debunking some of the hyperbole and articles about Sitting Bull.
In retrospect, his "war" on Longfellow (which included 100 pages of articles and reviews debunking the rival poet's verses as "singularly silly" and "utterly worthless") seems irrational, malicious and downright bizarre, and his feuds with other writers tend to feel misguided and self-serving as well.
A leading human rights lobbyist, Beko Ransome-Kuti, was arrested in the same purported plot and remains in jail, as do several journalists, including Chris Anyanwu, who was convicted of being an accessory to the plotters after publishing articles debunking the idea of a conspiracy.
Song Jian was then told at the conference was that an article debunking Hongcheng's invention had been refused publication in three major national newspapers and one scientific publication.
In 1937, Pallottino wrote an article debunking the so-called "Etruscan Warrior" purchased by the Metropolitan Museum of Art (by John Marshall under the direction of Gisela M. A. Richter, as a forgery.
Asbury then focused his attention of a series of articles debunking temperance crusader Carrie Nation.
In one study, participants who read the article were more eager to hit the punching bag than subjects who read a different article debunking the benefits of catharsis.
He also published a number of articles debunking paranormal claims in magazines such as Harper's Magazine and Popular Science in an effort to expose the general public to research in psychology.
Perhaps its strongest leaning is "contrarian"-it devotes much space to articles debunking the "popular wisdom," on topics ranging from Japan's alleged economic crisis to the Mahdi army in Iraq.