Ruskin says himself that these articles were "very violently criticized", forcing the publisher to stop the publication after four months.
This article would be widely criticized as the actual lack of strength of Nifong's case became apparent.
The articles were broadly criticized for shoddy scholarship, but no matter.
The article caused outrage and was widely criticized.
The article was fiercely criticized by the paper's feminist readership, and the paper published several letters to the editor critical of the piece.
So no individual article can be criticized for failing to live up to an unattainable standard.
In its short life the article has been heavily criticized, both in Turkey and outside.
The article was heavily criticized on a number of video game blogs for its biased nature and lack of evidence of such claims.
Its article 13 was also criticized as it supported former Organisation armée secrète militants.
A 2011 article published in the NY times has been heavily criticized for misusing reverse inference.