The article also pointed to some financial and accounting similarities that Calpine has with Enron and its extensive dealings with Enron.
YouTube is certainly a success story of the internet, but the article doesn't really point on the fact that broadband internet access wasn't as widespread as it was now.
And where those articles included incomplete information or pointed in a wrong direction, they were later overtaken by more and stronger information.
In it sixth article pointed that: The component parts of the Republic are free, sovereign and independent in its administration and government.
The 2nd article pointed that the division of the Republic in departments would be under a special law with constitutional character.
A recent article in the China Legal News pointed to the challenge the Government faces.
An article in the online journal Salon pointed me to a new site,, and to a new term, fotolog.
Your article pointed a selective finger unfairly.
The article pointed that they are non-marketing people.
The article also points to controversial tactics used when distributing fliers on college campuses.