The articles recounted Mr. Hanks' experience in the community starting in the early 1920s.
The article recounted the way the new owners tried to end the abuses and called them to the attention of prosecutors.
Fascinated, she read on as the article recounted a few of the Saint's more daring exploits over the past few years.
Mr. Vallance's articles often recount experiences that figure in the drawings.
"The IRA never gained widespread support," the article recounts.
Another article recounted the efforts of a village doctor to rally farmers against a chemical factory dumping toxic waste into a river.
The article pulled a few quotes from Morrison's work, summarized the legend, and recounted the professor's stay in the cemetery over a one-week period.
This article recounts the 1852 meeting attended by two hundred fifty immigrants at the home of Daniel Daniels.
An article on the matter recounts a professor once saying Fairbanks was asked to leave because of a prank not long after he began.
Punishment of children, the article recounts, "should be unpleasant, memorable, and inflicted at a time that is convenient for the parent."