The most common augmentations in the series are partly artificial brains called cyberbrains.
It is this new technology that will get us to the massive levels of computation needed to create an artificial brain.
If he possessed the perfect memories of the original, running in an artificial brain, how could he possibly know the difference?
In fact, it may be the most audacious artificial brain ever to exist outside of science fiction.
Nobody would say that a doll has an artificial brain, even if it can close its eyes and say "Mommy."
One culture had gone so far as to cover half of their planet with a giant city, and then developed an artificial brain for it.
No one had yet devised an artificial brain that could play fugue with the best.
The group utilize memristors as key components in a blueprint for an artificial brain.
But as far as I know there are no artificial brains.
He has an artificial brain nearly as complicated as our own.