The first artificial object to reach another celestial body was Luna 2 in 1959 .
Could it, as the preliminary scans said, truly be an artificial object?
However some breeds may require lure play at a very early age to encourage them to follow an artificial object with enthusiasm.
However, there's not a lot to see in the water beyond some brightly colored fish and deliberately sunken artificial objects.
Finally, the state should remove or redesign any artificial object that impedes the public's access to the shoreline.
For it was the first artificial object that she had ever seen.
Behavioral enrichment, the practice of providing animals under managed care with stimuli such as natural and artificial objects.
What we need for the future are people who know something about how the world actually works - the physical world full of natural and artificial objects.
"It is not a true star, but an artificial object placed into orbit above Twilight by the dayside scientists."
Both artificial and natural objects in the sky can be very difficult to detect using only the intensity of light.