There is a brief review of DNA whose structure is a helix with translational and rotational symmetry and if artificially separated the complementary strands will spontaneously reform.
Thus, cognitive and emotional instruments are artificially separated from their energetic and value contents.
The subject matters dealt with in Part 2 are artificially separated.
Thus "ionizing radiation" is somewhat artificially separated from particle radiation and electromagnetic radiation, simply due to its great potential for biological damage.
The Midi-Pyrénées and Aquitaine regions share a common destiny it is explained, linked by the Garonne River, and were artificially separated.
The measures were originally designed to counter avoidance in circumstances in which a business is artificially separated, so that one or more of its parts trades below the VAT registration threshold.
Artificially separated businesses which maintain the appearance of a single business This type of separation includes pubs in which the bar and catering may be artificially separated.
HMRC will amalgamate those self-employed stylists who are artificially separated provided that the legal criteria are met.
It seems to me orchids alone would be work for a man's lifetime; I cannot somehow feel satisfied with Lindley's classification; the Malaxeae and Epidendreae seem to me very artificially separated.
Most important, TNC is clearly concerned with curriculum and assessment, somewhat artificially separated from the life and work of the school as a whole.