Legions also contained a dedicated group of artillery crew of perhaps 60 men.
It was used by the Martians to eliminate groups of humans remotely, especially artillery crews, before they could fire.
In such a case, however, the artillery crews are able to see what they are shooting at.
The radio code name for the artillery crews who bring in many of the big shells is "steel rain."
After the helicopters dropped off the guns, the artillery crews lined them up and began firing nine minutes later.
In early 1941, the ship's artillery crews conducted gunnery training.
But as the quality of artillery crews and their horses declined, it was employed more frequently during later (post 1808) campaigns.
The artillery crews managed to bring away ten guns, but the rest became prizes of their enemies.
Even Spring-fields could murder an artillery crew that got close enough to fire case shot.
Once on site, they would be fired at ground level behind a hinged timber shutter, to provide some protection to the artillery crew.