However, self-employment became less common as the artisan tradition slowly disappeared in the later part of the 19th century.
During the 17th century, potters came to live in the town, which has become a local artisan tradition.
Mexico has a number of well-known artisan ceramic traditions, most of which are in the center and south of the country.
Displays here show what an early-20th-century apartment looked like; several workshops tap into Rakvere's rich artisan tradition.
The first is the celebrated writer, artist, craftsman William Morris, founder of the Arts and Crafts Movement, a nineteenth-century revivalist movement dedicated to restoring England's artisan traditions.
Hine is savvy enough to realize that the old ways of learning by doing - the guild and artisan traditions - won't work in the fast-changing present of science and technology.
"We were looking for a place that still respected artisan traditions," Mr. King said.
They all have two things in common: they're easy to pack and have nothing to do with Yucatecan artisan traditions!
This contrasts with the centuries-old artisan traditions of glassblowing, weaving and pottery, all of which make Tallinn such a shoppers' paradise.
Cabrales (Spanish: queso de Cabrales) is a cheese made in the artisan tradition by rural dairy farmers in the north of Spain.