In words and photographs, an artist celebrates the family of dogs he has made use of throughout his work.
Dancers, architects, painters, dramatists and other artists could celebrate the unique virtues of these leaders.
"Maybe the level of consciousness of the value of their work would increase, and they'd see they were dealing with something that artists celebrate."
Today, artists across the racial spectrum are celebrating it.
Thurman believed that black artists should fully acknowledge and celebrate the arduous conditions of African American lives.
In this monument, the artist celebrated the Iraqi people and the 1958 Revolution.
Their presence inside his home and studio is one of the many paradoxes the artist celebrates in his work across several mediums.
The artist recently celebrated his 85th birthday and is still working as an active artist in Grand Rapids, Michigan.
Picasso, Matisse and other artists were soon celebrating African art.
The artist Martin Donlin created several artworks to the celebrate the new building.