M Map Writers, students and artists congregate at this popular cafe (with adjoining bar) for affordable food and good conversation.
Every spring, renowned artists from around the world congregate in Hampton Roads to bring world-class music, dance, and theatre performances to the area.
(The title, "Clara Park," refers to a place where the artists like to congregate when not working.)
One Web site, Angelicreborns.com, where reborn "artists" and their customers congregate has about 1,000 registered members.
Throughout Michael's childhood the family home was a kind of salon, in which intellectuals, lawyers, teachers, artists and dissidents congregated.
He administers the Pop Surrealism group on Flickr.com where many artists working in the field congregate to display their work.
His body was buried in the "Panteon Frances" where many fans, artists, and press congregated to give Raul the last goodbye.
"It used to be that when artists congregated together, they had to break up," said Mr. Zhou, a painter who emerged in the 1990's.
In 2002, further renovations added space on the southwest corner, where artists, musicians and activists now congregate.
These battles spilled out from the studios and the galleries into bars like the Cedar Tavern, where the artists and the critics congregated.