In them I found a youthful freshness, vitality and honesty that only the true artist conveys in his work.
The artist conveys in the strain reflected in the god's features the physical effort of rising from the ground with his heavy load.
Thus, the artist initially conveys us to a world of apparent desirable happiness and fame.
There are times when this antic artist conveys a mystical atmosphere.
Two other artists convey their meditational sources more discreetly still.
By playing off these meanings, artists conveyed a fuller understanding of an artwork to the viewer.
Yet a mature artist makes it his own, and somehow must convey to everybody in the audience his understanding and feeling.
These subgenres describe the mechanism through which the artist conveys the message.
It was extraordinary how much information the artist could eventually convey with the sparest details.
Nevertheless, through the depiction of nonrepresentational shapes, artists may convey anxiety or dread.