Many artists who have been neglected by other New York museums can now hope for a place in the sun.
Crosby said the album's success "completely exceeded expectations", with the artists hoping it would go gold to cover their costs.
If any artist is hoping for a get-rich-quick-scheme from album/digital sales, they're living on another planet.
Still, the independent shows gave artists hope.
A spokeswoman for the workshop said the artist hopes to find a new home for his experiment.
The artist could not hope to show the fine detail of a Yetholm-type shield, but the similarity is striking.
The artist hopes that by revealing the truth he will claim the young man's love.
Again, "Most artists profoundly hope that a critic will show respect for and knowledge of the art form he or she is involved with."
Many young artists hope to get work from the Medici and their friends.
At the seventh stop, artists are hoping to attract a few more pioneers.