The artist recognizes and exploits the transitory quality of that experience.
Beginning with the Renaissance, artists recognized the connection between proportion and the illusion of 3-dimensional space.
From the beginning, though, the 62-acre park had a magic about it, a magic that artists in particular recognized.
The new artist of the word has recognised the autonomy of language.
"There's always a sense that artists and scientists don't recognize national borders," he said.
These artists recognize the body as a place where the personal and the social meet.
It's as if the artist had already recognized in this color a resource she did not yet know how to handle.
Although other artists recognize that Egypt is great art, they're sort of looking on you as if this is kind of cute.
An artist who sketches a painting can recognise his own work.
The artist recognized this as the result of the blessings from Swamiji.