Confusion arises when one considers the way photographers or artists may refer to the color of light.
The guitar playing, which many refer to as "untuned" is in fact tuned to what the artist has referred to as a "black key sound."
Indeed, some artists refer to their interaction with nature as spiritual experience.
It focuses primarily on their fight for what the artists refer to as 'environmental justice.'
The artists referred to photographs to help with their depictions of children, yachts and the harbour.
I have never heard this distinguished artist referred to by anything but his last name.
In approaching pattern and color, the artist apparently refers both to ethnic textiles and paintings.
Several artists have referred to the Bangles in their own songs.
Aboriginal artists refer to stolen land, stolen children, stolen history.
In succeeding years, the most important artists of the Polish stage referred to, and sometimes polemicized with, this vision, developing or modifying it.