Today few artists remain, as the town is one of the wealthiest places in North America.
Stanley Warren, artist and art teacher; murals produced during his incarceration remain at the prison.
Some artists remained - like the painter Edward Hopper, who died there in 1966.
Almost all the artists in these three shows use a hands-on approach and remain involved in the entire sculptural process.
After a couple of weeks, only fifteen artists remained with the project, inside Amazonia or out in the shelter.
These artists remained with Famous/Paramount for much of the studio's existence.
The artist has remained in Scotland, where he currently lives and works.
The artist and collector remain in each other's good graces despite the controversy.
When one artist remains for each coach, the artists will compete against each other in the finale on 29 April.
The artist and his family remained in Detroit for 12 years.