These artists served in both Europe and in the Pacific theatre of operations.
An artist by training, Mulhern is serving her first term on the City Council.
Say you don't like them, and say why, but acknowledge that the artist has served the music.
No real artist or critic would serve under restrictions that make Congress the real judge of what is art.
The artist, Suihō, had served in the Imperial Army from 1919 to 1922.
Monks, scholars, and artists, rather than professional diplomatic envoys, had generally served as the conveyors of foreign policy.
The three artists, who are also friends, served as their own curators, planning their individual pieces together - hence the show's title.
Earlier, artists often served as their own agents.
The artist took an active part in civic affairs and served a term in the state House of Representatives.
The artist served in the Union army and was a Medal of Honor recipient.