This show has no business insinuating that a line of artistic accomplishment connects these three players.
Back in the 1970's, "Roots" was more of an extraordinary sociological phenomenon than an artistic accomplishment.
Our student work now makes up some of the most important and acclaimed artistic accomplishments in the country.
It is here that she changed their lives through her artistic accomplishment, despite the deaths of her younger sister and mother.
"Part 3: The process behind the Venezuelan program seems sound, but what about the artistic accomplishments?"
They were chosen for the quality of artistic accomplishments and on the basis of their proposals.
It is also a town of utmost gentility and artistic accomplishment.
He seems eager to reconsider Met procedures that have a direct bearing on its artistic accomplishments.
His family has had many artistic accomplishments and he comes five generations of respected beadworkers.
However, she has recently been acknowledged in Korea for her artistic and literary accomplishments.