His themes include his own body (although some of his work could be called self portraiture), music, and the passing of time, as well as his artistic engagement with material, technique, and process.
Which is not enough: any artistic engagement with women's oppression surely has to go beyond hymning women for being women.
The paintings are done with painstaking attention to detail and event, yet they convey a close artistic engagement with the river's relationship to human life (Glueck).
Curator Michael Darling has argued that McMakin's intellectual tack to furniture was informed by his artistic education at the University of California, San Diego, which "was a hotbed of artistic engagement with the everyday.
Louis Bayard of Salon.com disagreed with the delivery of the final chapter, on ecological debt, writing that Atwood "forsakes artistic engagement for ideological reflex".
His career has been a hybrid of commercial, philanthropic, and purely artistic engagements.
In keeping with his new perspective on art, Angelo Vermeulen's artistic engagement consists of actively bringing art's radical freedom and focus on sensory, aesthetic and emotional directness to other domains, such as science, cultural communities, game culture and science fiction.
He plays the Stradivarius Baillot of 1732 granted him by Cassa di Risparmio in Bologna because of his stature and artistic engagement with the Orchestra Mozart.
The founders, like Manning, maintained a strong attachment to Greece rather than an artistic and intellectual engagement with Egypt.