An early artistic idol, and his first mentor, was the painter George (Pop) Hart, who lived across the street in Coytesville.
In the play, a character bearing the author's name time-traveled to turn-of-the-century Vienna in order to seek commiseration in the company of his artistic idol, Gustav Mahler.
The Deor Temple has artistic idols.
It has magnificent temple houses, several artistic and rare idols of Tirthankaras, beautiful images, engraved pillars, rare pieces of art and old Jain manuscripts.
On the left side huge idol of Bawangaja Bhagwan Adinath the 4 armed 'Gomukh Yaksha' & on the right side the very artistic idol of 16 armed 'Yakshi Chakreshvary' is established.
Large decorated pandals, illumination through excellent lighting and beautiful artistic idols make the crowd to enjoy and pay homage to Goddess Saraswati.
The temple houses a 3 feet long beautiful artistic idol of Goddess Bhagawati carved in a black stone .
Westminster Abbey is such an important commemoration site for both the British royalty and the nation's political and artistic idols, it's difficult to overstress its symbolic value or imagine its equivalent anywhere else in the world.
Like his artistic idol, Henry James, Baldwin had a mind so fine no idea could violate it.
For Mr. Ryan, collaborating on "The Unit" represented not only a chance to work with one of his artistic idols, but also an opportunity to tell stories he felt were largely absent from television.