Ironically, social intimacy inspired a more avid artistic individuality.
Mr. Murakami was obviously making a statement about artistic individuality, which didn't matter to the Japanese mafia.
Moreover, they were nominated and awarded many times - mostly for artistic individuality.
Like his guru, he emphasized on artistic individuality and won acclaim as a great artiste in his own right.
In medieval times, artistic individuality was subordinated to ingenuity in civil works.
Throughout these years Metzinger continued to retain his own marked artistic individuality.
In the work is still apparent the earlier neo-romantic atmosphere, but as a whole the composition already bears the hallmark of Dvořák's artistic individuality.
Liszt also wanted to avoid creating carbon copies of himself; rather, he believed in preserving artistic individuality.
London is where he developed his artistic individuality, and learned to cross cultivate different genres of music, to find his voice.
He said, "We hate the idea of artistic individuality."