His artistic manner - figurative painting with extensive use of colours and attention to detail - was similar to that of his father and grandfather.
During the course of his long life, Titian's artistic manner changed drastically but he retained a lifelong interest in color.
His educational background and artistic genius combined in his own works to present a view of life in an artistic, logical and compelling manner.
The designs are drawn in a broad, artistic manner, and are the most extensive for comfort and elegance of any known in this country.
He was making fun of me in a very subtle and artistic manner.
He was among the first artists to employ holography in an artistic manner.
The film presents sexual content in an artistic as opposed to erotic manner.
Lifestyle photography is a style of portrait/people photography which aims to capture and document real-life events, situations, or milestones in an artistic manner.
Weaving is considered a feminine art, and most are able to weave clothings in a highly artistic manner.
His faith influenced his artistic manner which was gradually becoming more mannered and mystical in theme.