The artist's admiration for photography is the reason why Grie has shifted his artistic preferences from traditional fine art towards computer digital art.
They were initiated in the 1760s because of Stanisław August's artistic preferences.
This work discovers dynamic of artistic preferences of different art genres: visual arts, music, theatre, cinematography, fiction.
Once he was in power, Hitler applied his artistic preferences and ideologies to his political views.
Both her income and confidence in her own artistic preferences have grown since then, but she still rents pieces before committing to buy them.
The evaluation of a good visual design is based on measuring comprehension by the audience, not on aesthetic or artistic preference.
Verism is the artistic preference of contemporary everyday subject matter instead of the heroic or legendary in art and literature; a form of realism.
Chen discusses the artistic preferences of the gallery's overseas clients.
Upon becoming dictator in 1933, Adolf Hitler gave his personal artistic preference the force of law to a degree rarely known before.
The club magazine is filled with "running personals" that reflect a wide range of athletic and artistic preferences.