Even in these early years, Bauer was attracted to cinematography and started to work as an artistic producer and director.
In 2013 Guitar Ray & The Gamblers returned to the studio to record a new album, with Reddick as artistic producer.
"The show has everything," said Mr. Rudetsky, artistic producer of the concert.
"The elegant, upscale songs are being emphasized," said the show's artistic producer, Anne Clay.
In 2005 he received the Platinum Konex Award as best Argentine artistic producer of the 1995-2005 decade.
Morisse was artistic producer of the popular Radio Europe 1, and Barclay an established record producer.
"Sept. 11 was an American tragedy, but also a universal catastrophe," said Mr. Brigand, 43, who is the movie's artistic producer.
Rosemarie Tichler was the artistic producer.
In May 1916 Dowlan left Universal after four years as a director and artistic producer.
Rosemarie Tichler, the festival's artistic producer, says the skills needed to perform Shakespeare are not instinctive.