But communicating with him proved to be difficult, even before Vincent opted to follow his artistic vocation.
In 1942, he gave up working as a police reporter, and apparently dedicated himself thereafter solely to an artistic vocation.
Soon this course would be made into a school and Kaceli would now focus on realizing his artistic vocation.
He plays guitar, keyboard and fiddle, but regards songwriting as his primary artistic vocation.
Her artistic vocation surfaced during her childhood, which led her parents to lead it in the musical art.
Generally, those who need to endure a certain amount of hardship to produce to their full capabilities are in basically artistic vocations.
But this urge coincides with his discovery of an artistic vocation.
With his childhood newspaper, Davenport launched both his literary and artistic vocations.
It took some eventful travelling before he found his artistic vocation and "voice."
Joseph is a dedicated artist, and the more loyal son, but his mother does not understand his artistic vocation.