It is an artistically valuable sculpture with the original fur.
Because of the many artists buried here and the many artistically valuable funerary sculptures it is a protected monument.
Functional and artistically valuable at the same time, the bridge was equipped with a system of levers that could raise its level for approximately 2 meters.
The artistically valuable facade was, however, still remarkably intact after the war.
However with the money from the insurance, it was possible to acquire other artistically valuable paintings.
The cemetery includes two artistically valuable chapels built in pseudo-Renaissance and pseudo-Gothic styles.
In addition, visitors are shown the silver treasure of the Hallors consisting of artistically valuable cups and trophies.
The film was classed as "Politically and artistically valuable".
"Before the revolution, there were only four or five directors making intelligent, artistically valuable films," said one film devotee.
The exchange of tiny glances that partners must practise in any pas de deux is artistically valuable and technically important.