The inmates' pieces were edited and reshaped into dialogue during a six-month arts residency by Prof. Judy Dworin, chairwoman of the dance department at Trinity College in Hartford, who choreographed the show.
City Lore develops and implements arts residencies and offers professional development to New York City public schools.
Grizedale Arts is a contemporary arts residency and commissioning agency in the central Lake District in rural Northern England.
It was announced in 2009 that the Meadows Award would be replaced by the Meadows Prize, an international arts residency.
The Wattis Institute also runs the pioneering Capp Street Project, founded in San Francisco in 1983, the first visual arts residency in the United States dedicated solely to the creation and presentation of new art installations.
He is sitting in a borrowed New York apartment in hand-me-down clothes, doesn't have a place to live and has no visible means of support, other than a coming arts residency at the University of Nebraska.
In 2002, he designed and built a glass-tube fire organ, during an arts residency in Whanganui.
The village is host to an annual martial arts residency; this is a tradition stretching back almost 30 years.
CAOS's major projects include the biennial International Festival of Animated Objects, and "Spirit of White Buffalo" a giant animated puppet and arts residency.
It used to be the home of Grizedale Arts, a contemporary arts residency and commissioning agency.