The company declined to comment on the trust's handling of asbestos claims.
The number of asbestos claims is projected to go as high as 2.5 million.
Celotex is selling the business to raise money for asbestos claims.
Over the last 25 years, Halliburton has settled 194,000 asbestos claims, the company said.
Others are taking even closer looks at asbestos claims.
In 1990 alone, the company paid $117 million in asbestos claims.
Congress has been working on establishing a trust fund of more than $100 billion to resolve current and future asbestos claims.
Legislation to cope with asbestos claims is still needed, she said.
At the end of the bankruptcy, a trust fund was set up to pay the asbestos claims.
G-1 was driven to seek Chapter 11 protection in 2001 as a result of some 150,000 asbestos claims.