The asbestos hazard can be heightened rather than diminished if they perform poorly.
The water damage made plaster crumble and created a potential asbestos hazard.
By yesterday afternoon, only 59 of the city's 1,069 schools had been declared free of asbestos hazards.
All of the company's work will be reviewed for asbestos hazards, the officials said.
The 1980's produced two Congressional acts requiring schools to inspect for asbestos hazards and clean them up.
The school's principal was notified on Saturday evening that the city had found asbestos hazards in the school.
The Mayor vowed that no school would open unless it had been declared free of asbestos hazards.
He did mount a campaign against asbestos hazards in the mid-1960s.
Where inspection results were not completed, superintendents had to plan to open only those classrooms declared free of asbestos hazards.
Thirty-two states have passed legislation dealing with asbestos hazards, three-fourths of them in the past two years, a survey has reported.