But the company asked for a court hearing after rumors spread that its protection from asbestos litigation might be ended.
Issues range from registration to asbestos litigation and military spending bills.
The action underscores the growing risks of asbestos litigation to the insurance industry.
The company said it also expected to take a charge related to asbestos litigation.
Several large companies back the bill, arguing they want to put their asbestos litigation and liabilities behind them.
"We have described in the current state of asbestos litigation a very great problem, even a crisis, for many Americans," the report stated.
And both sides would pay much less to lawyers, who now receive more than half of all the money spent on asbestos litigation, studies say.
Nelson-Munson has been with the firm since 2010 and is active in asbestos litigation.
And each side would pay much less to lawyers, who now get more than half of all the money spent on asbestos litigation.
Plaintiffs' lawyers in the asbestos litigation said the suit would have little impact on their cases.