A $200 million asbestos settlement between building materials manufacturers and school districts was announced.
The Court also said illegally seized evidence could be used in parole revocations and agreed to review an asbestos class-action settlement.
But Laurence Tribe, a Harvard law professor who represented plaintiffs opposed to the asbestos settlement, said there were "legions more" that would have sprouted up had the Supreme Court ruling gone the other way.
The asbestos settlement covered in Wednesday's ruling was approved by a Federal district court in Philadelphia but overturned by an appeals panel there.
The attorneys general, also primed by asbestos settlements, joined in with a new legal argument that held the industry liable for the Medicaid bills of all tobacco-damaged patients--an argument that has proved persuasive in three states.
David J. Lesar, the company's chief executive, did not receive cash for his contribution to the asbestos settlement.
Just three firms, including Baron & Budd of Dallas, which wrested hundreds of millions of dollars in asbestos settlements from oil companies, have organized nearly all the MTBE lawsuits.
Many were pleased that G.E. used the $558 million gain from the sale of its reinsurance business to offset charges related to an asbestos settlement and to 3,900 job cuts.
Insurance analysts say they expect legislation related to an asbestos settlement to be introduced in the Senate in the next week or two.
It cited the effect of charges for a proposed asbestos settlement.