Manville proposed restructuring the trust to speed payments on 130,000 pending claims for asbestos-related illnesses.
Both settlements were ultimately rejected by the Court because they would exclude future claimants, or those who later developed asbestos-related illnesses.
These rulings addressed the 20-50 year latency period of serious asbestos-related illnesses.
Mr. Mathews's father died from an asbestos-related illness stemming from his plant work.
By contrast, the class-action settlement worked out by the two lawyers provides cash only for workers who actually develop an asbestos-related illness.
He has grown accustomed to seeing friends and neighbors die of asbestos-related illness.
Keene and a former contractor have been ordered to pay $30 million to seven former workers in its power plant who suffer from asbestos-related illnesses.
The report also concluded that people living near the mines had no increased risk of asbestos-related illness than people living anywhere else in Vermont.
Grace is also facing lawsuits from people who developed asbestos-related illnesses after working with the ore or living near company plants.
The distinction is important because only about 1 percent of asbestos-related illnesses occur in less than 15 years from the time of exposure.