The five masters of the regional leagues ascend directly into the double-railed 2.
It is said that an aesthetic stood there an age past, and ascended directly to the Eye of the Preservers.
The winner of that series ascends to the first division directly.
The concentrated heat triggers a plume hundreds of kilometers in diameter that ascends directly through to the surface of the Earth.
There is a further, more obscure path that ascends very steeply over rockfalls and some scree directly onto the ridge from the lake.
"Open water diving" implies that if a problem arises, the diver can directly ascend vertically to the atmosphere to breathe air.
The route passes between the steadings of Chesterstone Farm before directly ascending the hill's steep south face.
The stairs ascended directly in front of him.
The route ascends directly alongside a fence for approximately 2 kilometres and would take the average walker some 45 or 50 minutes.
Shirley left before she caused any further damage and ascended directly toward the golden light of heaven, exhilarated with this unexpected turn of events.