The difference is that astrology does not attempt to determine facts, since these are things you may ascertain for yourself.
Prospective candidates are subject to two rounds of interviews to ascertain their suitability for membership.
The message it delivers is that people must ascertain for themselves the temper of the universe and the creative power everyone possesses.
These sensors can provide information that the surgeon would find it difficult to ascertain for himself.
"That, my dear, is what I am ascertaining for myself."
A member of the science advisory board of Chandrayaan-1 said that it is difficult to ascertain reasons for the loss of contact.
Three experts were consulted about the Finnish horse in order to ascertain its value for the project.
Eventually they discover that part of the Envy is designed as a test to ascertain living conditions for visitors.
It's difficult to ascertain for me where he stands on Medicaid takeover, which costs the city $2.3 billion.