Skin samples were obtained using a 5 mm punch biopsy under aseptic conditions with local anesthesia.
The epitome of aseptic conditions, of germ-free living, is found in the operating room.
We're working under far from aseptic conditions," he said wryly, "but we have to take the chances.
This is performed in the cast room under aseptic conditions.
Then the poor man had his leg broken under surgical and aseptic conditions and suffered a considerable amount of dental work.
Look at the amount of resistance stirred up when it was first suggested that operations should be carried out in aseptic conditions.
The mice were housed under aseptic conditions in a temperature (24 C) and light-controlled (12 h/day) room.
He made significant, innovative discoveries in immunology, about life under aseptic conditions, in blood chemistry, and about diseases transmitted by arthropods, especially ticks.
Even the blood shed in his student dueling days had been spilled under almost aseptic conditions.
Proper excision by cruciate incision under strict aseptic conditions will usually treat the condition effectively, but the modern practice is to use antibiotics.