Rescorla had requested that he be cremated and have his ashes strewn in Hayle.
For example, co-founder Bill Dobson died from cancer in October 2004, but made an appearance in the 2004 Mango Strut, in the form of an urn, with ashes being strewn along the parade route.
I wanted your ashes strewn over land and sea, into sun and wind.
He looked up for a moment in the air, and thought that those white ashes strewn upon his hopes and misery, were suited to them well.
He has decided he wants to be cremated, and to have his ashes strewn on a Swedish island where he composed some of his favorite songs.
He had ashes strewn on the floor of the temple, and on the following day he convinced the king that persons had entered the temple at night, by showing him the footprints in the ashes.
As morning dawned on 4 July 973, Ulrich had ashes strewn on the ground in the shape of a cross; the cross sprinkled with holy water, and he was placed upon it.
It is a place where trees have been planted to commemorate dedicated golfers, some of whom had their ashes strewn over the course.
Historian Susan Redford speculates that Pentawer, being a noble, was given the option to commit suicide by taking poison and so be spared the humiliating fate of some of the other conspirators who would have been burned alive with their ashes strewn in the streets.