Aside from his official duties, King Oyo goes to school and has time to play with his friends.
Aside from their reproductive duties, bulls are also used in certain sports, including bullfighting and bull riding.
Aside from their duties in respect to the worship of the earth, they were responsible for judging any case dealing with the spilling of blood.
Aside from his duties during the Rising, O'Duffy has been a prolific writer.
Aside from its official duties, the Lower Commons area is also used for various school dances and activities.
Aside from his vocal duties, Huhn also plays guitar, and demonstrates that not only is a very capable singer, but an accomplished rock guitarist as well.
Aside from his normal duties there was the meeting of the Spinners Association, during which they would decide future production, among other things.
Aside from his civic duties, Lawrence was a respected traveling teacher.
Aside from his duties as a performer, Mr. Jang is also dedicated to the art of teaching.
A working parent is a father or a mother who engages in a work life, aside from their duties as a childcare provider.