When asked about Arlo's claim, Elliott said, "I was flattered.
"That's a closed case," Torborg said when asked about Coleman's claim that the clubhouse exchange had been unnecessary and imflammatory.
Asked about Japan's claim to Tokdo, President Roh said there was nothing to discuss.
HMRC can ask questions about your claim if they decide to check it.
Myler is asked about his claim in evidence that journalists who breached the PCC were given written reprimands.
When asked on television about Forbes' claim to represent the right.
When asked about her claim, the 99-year-old Berlin denied it outright.
Frank then asked about the sculptor's claim that French soldiers had been the last to leave the fort in the disputed battle.
Asked about NBC's exclusive claim to the story, he added: "You know how it works.
When asked about Mr. Ruiz and his claim to have found salvation, she said: "I believe there is a God.