Yet, Maggert did not back down when asked about his statement later.
Still, he remains unabashed when asked about his statement that he wants to be the first rap billionaire.
When Matthews was asked specific questions about his statement, he replied: "I made my statement.
Asked about Humana's statement, he refused to comment.
Mark Messier was asked about his statement last summer that the Rangers needed to get bigger and stronger.
"Let me try to explain it," he wrote; apparently he had been asked about his cryptic statement by others.
"That's interesting," Baldwin said on the telephone from Seattle, when he was asked about the Yankees' statement.
Since he didn't expand on the craft-versus-art issue at the workshop, I called him a few weeks later to ask about his statement.
The coroner spoke sharply to Wells, asking him about his statement and why he had not followed it up.
It struck Kady odd that he had not asked her many questions about her statement that she was from another time period.