He paused, then asked delicately, 'Is the Prince aware of what you did to him?
Miyabi asked delicately, "I have to prepare the beds, but.
He paused and then asked delicately, "Will you be able to leave your mother?
His surprise turned to shock when the Shah himself came on the line, delicately asking how she was.
Sam cut it short by asking delicately: "Is the apology satisfactory, Cousin?
I asked delicately and was answered by his blush.
Maniakes asked delicately; the vestiarios had been considerably bulkier on the day of the Kubrati surprise.
Afterward, I delicately asked a Saudi woman to explicate the scene.
Where then, Alinor asked delicately, was this journey leading?
I paused, then asked delicately, "Er . . . what did you think of her?"