The commission is asking for comment for 45 days, after which it will decide whether to act on the measure.
The union asked for 12 paid days of menstrual leave for a woman per year.
They were fined £1,000 with £365 costs - and asked for 28 days to pay.
He would represent himself as the head of a legitimate company in their industry, and ask for 30 days to pay for the goods.
For duration per stay, at a minimum ask for 60 days.
The Yugoslav delegation here had asked for 17 days.
A: Any customer that asks for 120 days credit must either be immoral or in trouble.
It was then after hearing this that the patriarch asked for three days to complete the miracle.
I went to suppliers directly in person and asked for 60 days.
Basil asked for two more days to get him over.