Asking parishioners to bring their own bread and wine is just the start.
He accused the church of "a classic double standard" in constantly asking parishioners to contribute while it hoards reserves.
They need to settle it themselves, not ask parishioners for extra money.
Boulevard with the Rev. Al Sharpton and asked parishioners at morning religious services to send him to City Hall.
At the 12:15 p.m. Mass yesterday, Father Haggerty asked parishioners to pray for the two teenagers.
One of the questions on a survey handed out at the meeting asked parishioners if they believed a change in church leadership was necessary.
Investigators have also met with church officials and asked parishioners to provide any tips or recollections of suspicious activities.
An August arrest report noted that she was wearing a "leopard spot fedora" while asking parishioners at St. Mary's Church for money.
The Rev. John B. Calhoun, who came to Trinity in 1850, asked parishioners to subscribe towards a new church building.
To cover shortfalls, the church asked parishioners to donate money for fuel costs.