Perhaps teachers around the city could ask pupils about family members and neighbors, on the chance that one might mention a missing sister or friend.
In 2011, we are once again asking pupils for their views, which we will compile into a Children's Manifesto.
They also asked pupils to bring in various items from their homes to be sent off to Haiti after the devastating earthquakes.
Further, he failed to get satisfactory answers to questions which he asked pupils about the work in hand and why they were doing certain things.
The questions below, which asked pupils to compare fractions and decimals less than one respectively, had very low success rates.
The reading and writing of whole numbers was looked at by asking pupils to write in numerals a number presented in words.
There was a practical circus item which asked pupils to weigh given letters and then cost them using the postal charges table (see Table 4.8).
A practical test item asked pupils to make several shapes from four right angled isosceles triangles.
One had pictures of a cube, sphere, cylinder, cuboid, pyramid and cone and asked pupils to provide the names for them.
A question asking pupils to interpret a 2-D depiction of a 3-D situation was included in the GT4 reference test and reported earlier (p.40).