American diplomats asked rebel representatives in London to halt the offensive and enter talks to form a new Government.
In 1992, Board 5 passed a resolution calling name changes confusing to the public and asking elected representatives to reject honorifics "except in the most extraordinary circumstances."
We asked representatives from practically every company on the show floor whether they would come back next year, and the responses were overwhelmingly positive.
We then asked representatives from each group to suggest any additional parties who should be invited.
- and asking representatives from small firms to join them.
For example, the president or other officials of the executive branch may draft legislation and then ask senators or representatives to introduce these drafts into Congress.
And he asked the senators and representatives he met not to quote him - although some did anyhow.
You have an opportunity to ask senior representatives from government, business and civil society your questions about the future of the web.
In a state that is officially atheist, he asked representatives of the five officially sanctioned Soviet churches for donations.
We, and I personally, have on a couple of occasions asked the ambassador and other Russian representatives here to allow us entry to Chechnya.