I have been asked to go through his personal belongings at the base and return them to you.
He gave each a disposable camera, asking them to shoot images of their world and return a day later.
I ask you to spare his life and return him safely to his clan.
She asks him to keep an envelope and return it to her after they arrive.
Perhaps you should ask her to give up this foolish game and return it to me.
Jacob wanted to know how things were doing, so he asked Joseph to go down there and return with a report.
The board asked Ms. Wojciechowski to do some homework and return next month.
Would Johnson be asked to make the one switch he has ruled out and return to third base?
For some of these, she sent the questions to friends, asking them to fill them out and return them.
Most fast-food companies ask parents to take the toys from their children and return them in exchange for another free toy.