Another thing you can do is to ask about more neutral subjects.
Cross asks subjects in the film: "Do you like having autism?"
The same researchers asked subjects to evaluate a student's intelligence by examining information about him one piece at a time.
He then asked subjects to rate people whom they knew by the adjectives on the list and analyzed their ratings.
One section asked subjects to choose from a list of "dislikes": "1.
At the end of the study, the researchers asked subjects to judge which fold looked better to them.
In one test, the scientists asked subjects simply to move pegs across a board; motor areas "lit up" as expected.
In their experiment, they played a series of high and low tones while asking subjects to do a simple probabilistic classification task.
This could be done by asking subjects to listen to and hum back music while performing the dot location task.
In addition, in many circumstances it is impractical to ask subjects whether they are angry.