"Skipper asked me to relieve you," White said.
Patel asked Gandhi to relieve him of his obligation to serve, believing that an open political battle would hurt India.
Report to the divisional chief, asking him to relieve you.
This eventually led elected officials to ask Judge Sand to relieve them of their agreement to build the housing.
He also has qualifications as a Signaller and variously throughout the story is asked to relieve for signalling parties who suffer casualties.
The jails' conditions were the subject of a 1982 lawsuit by prisoners who asked for court action to relieve overcrowding.
She, having to raise 11 children, asked the High Court to relieve her of debts owed to Vermeer's creditors.
Ask about other ways to relieve cough and cold symptoms (such as drinking enough fluids, using a humidifier or saline nose drops/spray).
Circling around toward Jetanien, he continued, "Ask Starfleet to relieve me of command?"
He probably will be asked to relieve, which he had done only once in his career.